This Week’s post talks about how Mythic Bastionland handles combat manoeuvres.
Combat manoeuvres are something I keep coming back to.
As with so many things I think the specific mechanics are only as good as their actual implementation by the person running the game. So what guidance lies in the Oddpocrypha?
Moss is in the middle of a duel against a rival Knight that’s been tormenting them.
Moss: Right. So instead of swinging my cudgel I’ll draw my dagger and try to stab him right through the eye.
Ref: Erm… hang on
Ref flicks through the combat rules for a moment, thinking about how best to make a ruling
Ref: Okay, so what are you actually trying to achieve with this? Like kill him in a single stab? Blind him permanently? Temporarily?
Moss: Yeah I want to make sure even if I can’t kill him I’ll leave him without an eye.
Ref: Right. I mean as far as killing him goes, you’re already trying to do that with a normal attack. You could do a Smite if you really want to try to take him out, but if it’s more about leaving a lasting mark we could… hang on…
Ref looks through the rules a bit more
Ref: Yeah how about we do it as a Smite but instead of the extra damage you’ll leave a mark. Probably only makes sense if you actually Wound him too, so you’ll need to take him down to 0gd. I don’t think you could do this to any old opponent, but here there’s clearly hatred between the two of you.
Moss: Yeah that sounds fair. So I’ll only take the Shame if I actually get his eye, right?
Ref: Yeah that sounds right.
Moss rolls their attack and successfully Wounds their enemy.
Ref: So sure enough, you thrust your dagger at his eye and… urgh, you get the idea! He clutches his face, screaming, but he’s still standing.
Even with access to Feats and Onslaughts, and the chance of causing Scars, players will sometimes want to cause a specific effect with their attack. Here Ref falls back on the standard Taking Action Procedure, asking for clarity on what exactly the intent of the action is. It’s easy to get bogged down in the specifics of what the character is doing, but here it’s useful to know what the player is actually trying to achieve.
It’s good that Ref clarifies that with a normal attack the character is already assumed to be trying to cause maximum harm to their target, and going beyond that is usually covered with a Smite Feat. Taking this as a starting point, they change that Feat to apply extra long-term damage instead of simply improving the normal damage of the attack.
Importantly, the details of the ruling are explained to Moss before they confirm they want to go through with it. Upon weighing up the ruling, a player might decide it’s no longer worth it. At this point the Referee can suggest an alternative, or the player might simply decide to go ahead with a normal attack or Feat.
I also appreciate that Ref made it clear that the ruling here is a bespoke ruling for the current combat, leveraged by the established hatred between the combatants. If the players tried something similar in another situation the ruling could be different.
There’s clearly a bit of discomfort from Ref in having to describe the eye-gouge. In a game with this much focus on combat, and a system for Scars, there’s always going to be a bit of gore, but it’s perfectly acceptable to draw a veil over the grisly details if the group isn’t fully comfortable with them, as Ref does here. This is something that becomes easier to judge through experience playing with the same group of players.
I streamed a readthrough of BREAK!! RPG, which is doing rather nicely on Kickstarter right now.
And you already know about Knave 2e, right? It’s turning into a big month for Kickstarters by Bastionland Podcast alumni.
Oh? You like the Zelda-feel of BREAK!! but want something rules-light like Knave?
In a huge coincidence, Forgotten Ballad is currently funding and looks like exactly that. No shipping outside of the US but I’m definitely grabbing a digital copy.
Coming Soon
On Patreon I talk about a concept at the forefront of Mythic Bastionland, but relevant to any of my games.
What is Primacy of Action?
Here's what the rules of Mythic Bastionland have to say:
Even when using the rules for travel, exploration, and combat, remember this, the most important thing:
Past action taken by the players supersedes content generated by prompts or rules. Their deeds are reality.
Remember the core of giving players information, honouring their choices, and describing the impact of their actions.
But I think it needs a bit more explanation. This is where Oddpocrypha comes in handy.
Expect the full post on the blog next week.
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Kinda surprised (and very happy) that you mentioned Forgotten Ballad. Thanks a lot Chris 💚
Thank you for the shoutout for Forgotten Ballad! :)