Hmm, I feel like something is happening this week.
Oh yeah. This game called MYTHIC BASTIONLAND is live over on Kickstarter, so go and pledge if you want a copy of the book.
I mean, that’s my week pretty much summed up, so I thought this week I could focus on what’s happening elsewhere.
Trilemma Adventures makes magical research into a spatial puzzle
Bat in the Attic is running a Kickstarter for a compiled version of a brilliant series of blogposts for building a fantasy sandbox
Madman’s Menagerie has a collection of horrible cursed items, written for GLOG but easily hackable to other systems
Loot the Room is having a sale, so go and check it out if you’ve had your eye on anything they make
Awesome Lies writes an astonishingly thorough history of Warhammer’s colours of magic
I’m doing an AMA on reddit next week which should be fun
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