This Week’s post looks at the current state of the wargames I’ve got in development, introducing a brand new one, The Battle of Bastionland.
I've been jumping around between various wargames lately, so it's perhaps a good time to take stock of where we're at:
Pre-orders are cropping up for this now, so I'm doing various articles and podcasts in anticipation for the launch. Expect to be sick of seeing and hearing me very soon.
Last week I recorded this playthrough of the rules, though I should note the specifics have changed slightly since then.
Great clickbait title, right?
In practical terms I've sort of got what I wanted out of this. Everything needed for a big battle fits in a tiny box and I'm looking forward to dropping it on unsuspecting opponents.
Not to say I won't keep messing with it. I've got Medieval and Modern versions on my workbench but they don't quite work just yet.
This one had a big change recently, essentially overhauling the weapon system. I'm really happy with how this one's going, and looking forward to running some more playtests.
Arrgh... my pile of shame!
I've been pretty well disciplined in not buying loads of miniatures until I've painted my current lot, but the 10mm units I bought for Project 10 are the clear exception. Years later I have 5 units completed out of... 14 that I need to actually run a game.
I have a good handful of little 10mm medieval guys just waiting to join the fray, but for now they're going to have to sit tight.
Still, the system works, and I enjoyed playtesting it with cards last year, but for now this one holds a degree of shame.
Okay, so this one is new, and it's what you clicked onto this post for, so what's the deal?
Looking over the wargames I had in various stages of completion I had:
The Doomed for warband level skirmishes and monster fighting
Project 10 for classic fantasy regiments wheeling around the field
1x1 for grand scale battles on a tiny board
MAC Attack for 6mm sci-fi with mechs, tanks, and infantry squads
There's an obvious gap there for something involving a handful of squads, but still basing each soldier individually. Perhaps something with a bit more Morale and Command & Control than my other efforts. I think those in the know would call it large skirmish.
I mean I could just play a pre-existing game but where's the fun in that?
But let me wear my influences on my sleeve:
NUTS! really grabbed me in its back-and-forth combat flow and feel of having a toolbox full of toys, but it's also a little obtuse for me to fully grok. I fear it's doomed to be one of those games that I love the idea of rather than the reality.
Turnip28 wallows in the grime of gunpowder era war and has a nice simple core.
Xenos Rampant has been great fun the few times I've played. I like the modular units and the way morale is handled, but there's a lingering dissatisfaction in how some of the specific units perform. Careful choice of armies and scenarios can remedy this, but it feels like a missed opportunity.
I'm on a real binge for just about anything from Nordic Weasel right now.
And of course I wanted to try and fit all of the actual rules of play on a single page which... I kinda did? Okay give me two pages then so we can keep the line breaks.
So some of the specifics of Battle for Bastionland?
It's all about Smoke, Mud, and Blood. Your squads will amass all three as the war wears away at their humanity, if they started with any.
You pick 3 squads from the list, each having 6 or 12 individual members depending on how big a battle you want to do. This means your full Company is either 18 or 36 miniatures in total.
Oh, but that's their full strength and not all of them will actually show up for battle. Latecomers might appear later, but don't bank on it.
Squad type gives you a fancy ability, and each squad leader is a Corporal who chooses their own individual advantage.
EXCEPT one squad leader is actually your overall Captain, and they choose an ability that's actually a disadvantage. Who put this donkey in command?
Kitbash Attitude is in full effect, with all of Bastion's variety on show. You'll probably want a gun that looks like it's from WW2 or earlier, but other than that go wild. Bring muskets, helmets, and the tallest hats you can muster.
Order Dice are rolled at the start of your turn, meaning you won't always be able to achieve exactly what you want. You get some Reaction Dice on your opponent's turn too, so pay attention to their movements.
DING DING DING! Prismatic Wasteland is calling last orders for pre-orders for Barkeep on the Borderlands, which I really enjoyed writing a pub for. Mine’s full of violent old people.
Minorbug takes my post about rolling only initiative and mulls a potential alternative that relies on input randomness over output randomness.
Seed of Worlds writes exactly the kind of post that gets your imagination racing with just a few paragraphs and random table, this time about creepy elves.
Coming Soon
This week Patreon I ask “Why are you still here?”
I've spoken about this before, but I like to periodically look through a game and ask each individual rule "why are you still here?"
But don't get complacent. Even if a rule has justified its place before, things have probably changed.
BUT also don't get bloodthirsty. I know I've boasted of my love of ludocide, but I've been guilty of going too far. Sometimes the situation has changed, but the rule still has a place.
Expect the full post next week.
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