Was recently clearing out my childhood bedroom and launched into the stack of old White Dwarfs with the plan of getting rid of them but couldn't make myself part with a single one and proceeded to spend hours pouring over old battle reports and chapter approveds.
Maybe it's just nostalgia talking but there was magic in that magazine that made it feel way more than just a big ad for GW!
I'm old as dirt - I remember (and still have) White Dwarf before Warhammer & 40K. In ancient times - the mid '70s onward
Like this one:
That's awesome!
That is truly awesome Warhammer is what got me into the fantasy realm as a kid
Was recently clearing out my childhood bedroom and launched into the stack of old White Dwarfs with the plan of getting rid of them but couldn't make myself part with a single one and proceeded to spend hours pouring over old battle reports and chapter approveds.
Maybe it's just nostalgia talking but there was magic in that magazine that made it feel way more than just a big ad for GW!